Finally!!!! Today we get to move into the Boat House we have been renting since Oct. 1st. !!!!! After going through all the rig-a-ma-roll the Yacht Club put us through, (it was kinda like trying to pass a bill through Congress), late last night we finally got the call we have been waiting for...... permission to move our boat to the yacht club. OMG I am SOOOOOO excited!
It has been raining here for DAYS, and the LOOONG walk up to the marina, to the bathrooms and the laundry, in the rain, has been a booger! Fortunately, Ben put enough silicone on the back of the boat that we haven't had any leaks, or water dripping on our heads when we sleep.... LOL. And on the up side.... with that Hugh glob of silicone on the back of the boat...... I no longer have to worry about the boat sinking, the silicone should keep us afloat. We will just look like some kind of alien Jelly Fish. LOL...
We are going over this morning to the yacht club to open up the 'curtian' so Ben can drive the boat in. It is gonna be a tight fit.... but I told him to just get the boat lined up and GAS it it... One way or another... it's gonna fit!
We will not only be outta the rain, there is room for extra storage for groceries, Ben has a small work bench for whatever it is he works on???? Ben has done a bunch of clean up.... I think he hauled out 4 or 5 loads of garbage, it's looking good and ready for me to spread out MY junk! This morning.. on this day.. I am so happy!