FALL is in the air and it has been a busy October already... Friday night Ben and I went over to the Yacht Club for a Chile feed. Last night they hosted a steak fry... aka 'bring your own meat'... (I brought Ben).. This morning the club is putting on a breakfast from 8 to noon. I am going to work as a server, getting in some of my work crew hours. We have to have 16 hours per year. I don't think it will be a problem as we seem to go to EVERY event the club has.... And I always end up jumping up and helping anyway....
I am keeping my fingers crossed that today we might get to move the boat to the boat house. Gosh I can't wait! How exciting!!! We have already leased the boat house, we are just waiting for permission from the Yacht Club to move our boat in.... about half the members we talk to tell us we can just go ahead and move our boat in... the other half tell us we should wait and bring it before the moorage Committee first and get their blessing.. GGGRRRRR. Ben is getting FRUSTRATED as we paid the lease a week ago and have the owners blessing to move in??? So Ben said 'We are moving the boat today!" Sounds GREAT to me :-)
Wonder if they will let me blog from POYC jail????? LOL