Today is starting out as the perfect day to just hang out, read a good book and maybe take a nap or two. No rain yet, but it's kinda cold and overcast. Last night we had the little electric heater going in the bedroom.... I guess fall IS here. Big Ben is feeling a little better today, still has an upset tummy... poor guy, but at least he is outta bed. LOL. Last evening we were visited by our local band of Otters. A group of 4 or 5 that show up every so often to wreak havoc on the docks and the local residents..... I heard them chattering and splashing around the next pier over, then they all bailed in the water and popped up on our pier... I watched them checkout the empty boat next to us for a few minutes then back into the water they went to their next destination... about that same time Zoe was coming down the pier from her evening walk... aka, pottie break, when she let out a terrible squeal and took off running as fast as her short little legs would take her, yelping and crying all the way. She sounded like she was being chased by the hounds of hell!!! Ben chased after her and scoped her up to get her to quit crying. After putting her back into the boat we both walked down the pier to see what had frightened her so badly..... Just as I had suspected, it was those pesky Otters! I doubt if they had even gotten close to her, but just one bark from them was enough to send her into to nervous breakdown. Poor little thing... This whole boat life has truly been an adventure for her.