Well, it's the last leg of our trip. Last night we stayed in Gold Bar, WA. with Dustin and Lani... today we take the ferries home to Bremerton and see if the boat is still afloat! Lani and I have been friends for ever... like Pre-Ben... for 20 yrs???? That's a LOOONG time! We have seen each other at our best and our worst, and we still like one another... weird.
Silly girl even had mints on our pillows in the spare room... see, I said she was weird! They took us out to dinner last night and then to breakfast this morning at the local Hotel, Restaurant and Bar... (reminds me of the Hub in Kamiah). Sad, but even though I live so much closer now to Lani I still do not seem to get over here much to spend time with her???? I will have to work on that! Spending sooo much time with my recently retired hubby.... well, let's just say I seriously need some Girl time. LOL... To much of a good thing I guess!