Saturday ~ October 1, 2011
October 1st.... WOW! Where has the summer, heck the year gone! It's had to believe we have been on the boat 4 months now. The weather definitely has the feel of fall. Cloudy and overcast, I think the news said we are expecting rain for the next several days..... Must learn to embrace the drizzle! Ben is down for the count today, at first we though we have a case of food poisoning, Yes I cooked! But then Niki said her family also had a touch of something, so maybe it's just.... NOT my cooking! LOL. Anyway I kinda like having the morning to myself. Had a nice visit with Willard this morning... He is the Blue Heron that usually SCREECHES at me and Zoe every morning. Got a chance to catch up on my Blog, work on the computer, do a little bookkeeping ... Yep, kinda nice. I listed the Toyota AND 4-wheeler on Craig's List today.. Very sad. I have had my Toyota since July of 93'. Got her brand new. Gonna make my cry when she sells....... (I have had her longer than ANY of my husbands!) Better watch out Ben....