Tonight was the Change of Watch Dinner and Meeting at the Port Orchard Yacht Club. This is where the
old Officers step down and the newly elected take their places. Full dress uniforms and a catered dinner. It was VERY nice! Tonight was also the night when Ben and I received our final initiation into the POYC club! After 4 months of going through the application process, being presented formally to the club, then voted on, approved and finally initiated... did I mention the initiation fee was $3,000...... It was a pleasure to finally receive our Burgee (flag), and name tags. Very KOOL... We have to put in 18hrs per year in work time, 9 hrs each for the club. This encourages members to 'get involved'. Ben and I worked last Sunday for 4 hrs each setting up for tonight's dinner only to find out it didn't count.... Our time doesn't start till October. LOL. Oh well, it was worth it to watch Ben trying to make the centerpieces for the tables with the other ladies... He is actually quite good at crafting with glue and glitter... Dang I wish I had my camera! I think I'll sign up for some of the committees.... meet some new people. I sure had fun on the Labor day cruise! After all, I AM Queen of the Hobo's!