Wednesday ~ October 26, 2011

Today we are driving home to Idaho! YEAH!!!! Although I suppose Port Orchard is now my official home.... Sometimes I still look at my Washington drivers licence and wonder just what the heck happened and how the heck did I get here?????  I will always consider Idaho MY home. This weekend Mike and Karey are carrying on the 'Pumpkin Carving Party' tradition! 
For ten years Ben and I had the annual Beastly Byers Pumpkin Carving Party in Ben's shop. I loved that party, pizza, cocktails, jello shots, costumes, kids and of course... pumpkins! Something that the kids and grand kids will always remember. Kinda a family tradition. When we moved away there was a bit of an uproar... WHO had a shop BIG enough to hold everyone... WHO would carry on the tradition??? After all, we have a crop of brand NEW grand kids who need to enjoy the whole pumpkin experience, share in the memories... when Uncle Mike dressed as a Gorilla and SCARED poor Jake half to death (Jake STILL remembers THAT, and he was like 3yrs old!LOL), when Sylvia did a few too many jello shots... when.. well I'll stop there, what happens at the pumpkin party stays at the pumpkin party..... SO I was ecstatic when, in a moment of weakness, Mike caved in and mentioned that he was thinking of allowing us to use his shop for this years carving party..... (poor guy, he has NO idea what he is in for...but his shop will be clean!) EVERYONE in soooo excited! I think this will be one of the biggest crowds EVER! I can't wait to see everyone. Ben and I will be staying at Mike and Karey's through the weekend to help them setup for the party then cleanup the aftermath. Fun, Fun, Fun!

Saturday ~ October 22, 2011

Home, Home on the Sound. Well I'm back home on the boat..... Ben came and picked me up from the ferrie yesterday. I had such a good time at my friend lani's house! I had told Ben I had cut and colored my hair, but not how short or what color.... THAT had him worried! Last time I took off to do something like this I came home with stars tattooed on my face. LOL! I LOVE my new haircut and color, it's pretty tame, but just to give Ben a heart check Lani and I got some bright pink spray in hair color and covered my hair in it! The first thing Ben said when he saw me get off the ferrie ... "that DOES wash out???" Today we are back working on the boat. Ben is trying to get the shower running. The shower works but it drains into the bilge. He is trying to get the shower plumbed to drain outside the boat like it is should so he is installing a sump pump under the shower. We are still having problems with our toilet system... NOT GOOD.  Not sure how he is gonna fix that problem. We DID get the diesel leak fixed... the leaking tank finally ran outta diesel... So now we just need to pull the ruined carpet, replace the floor and lay new carpet. Of course we need to replace that one tank.... ***sigh*** Wednesday we head back to Idaho for the Halloween weekend. It will be so nice to see friends and family... especially that new grand baby Dominic! 

Thursday ~ October 20, 2011

Paradise in Gold Bar, WA. I ran away from the boat and spent the week with my BFF Lani at her beautiful home... on LAND... Ben dropped me off at the Kingston ferries Monday, costs nothing to walk across and ride to Edmonds. Lani picked me up on the other side. We started with lunch and drinks at the local Pub... the week has just been getting better. Lani has been treating me like a queen! We had so much FUN! Wednesday we had a 'girl's' Spa Day. We were waxed, polished, had our hair colored and cut. I feel pretty... oh so pretty... We drank, drank some more... than had a few cocktails. My new favorite drink.... shot of Whipped Rum, shot of Peach Schnapps, 1/2 shot Triple Sec, Orange Juice, Splash of Half & Half. This is awesome over ice or blended... Tastes like a creamsicle! Which reminds me I gotta hit the liquor store today!  :-)  Going home on Friday. Bummer

Saturday ~ October 15, 2011

How a Man Cleans a Waffle Iron.....
So after eating pancakes for 3 months, we finally dug the waffle iron outta the storage unit. It was a little rusty and needed some TLC, so I asked Ben to take a SOS pad and clean up the outside while I scrubbed the cast iron waffle plates........ Hearing a POWER TOOL running???? I caught him using a small grinder to clean the waffle iron??? Well, it worked..... the waffle iron looks like new! Silly guy. Today we got our Internet and cable TV hooked up... now Ben has his TV again...... 
Ben had to spend the afternoon cleaning out the bilge, we had a hose break on our sewer lines in the boat... WHAT A STINKY MESS... Poor guy. After 2 or 3 trips to Lowe's and several rolls of paper towles.... he finally got the hoses changed out and the bilge cleaned! Now I just have to get the boat aired out!

Wednesday ~ October 12, 2011

Finally!!!! Today we get to move into the Boat House we have been renting since Oct. 1st. !!!!! After going through all the rig-a-ma-roll the Yacht Club put us through, (it was kinda like trying to pass a bill through Congress), late last night we finally got the call we have been waiting for...... permission to move our boat to the yacht club. OMG I am SOOOOOO excited!
It has been raining here for DAYS, and the LOOONG walk up to the marina, to the bathrooms and the laundry, in the rain, has been a booger! Fortunately, Ben put enough silicone on the back of the boat that we haven't had any leaks, or water dripping on our heads when we sleep.... LOL. And on the up side.... with that Hugh glob of silicone on the back of the boat...... I no longer have to worry about the boat sinking, the silicone should keep us afloat. We will just look like some kind of alien Jelly Fish. LOL...
We are going over this morning to the yacht club to open up the 'curtian' so Ben can drive the boat in. It is gonna be a tight fit.... but I told him to just get the boat lined up and GAS it it... One way or another... it's gonna fit!
We will not only be outta the rain, there is room for extra storage for groceries, Ben has a small work bench for whatever it is he works on???? Ben has done a bunch of clean up.... I think he hauled out 4 or 5 loads of garbage, it's looking good and ready for me to spread out MY junk! This morning.. on this day.. I am so happy!

Sunday ~ October 9, 2011

FALL is in the air and it has been a busy October already... Friday night Ben and I went over to the Yacht Club for a Chile feed. Last night they hosted a steak fry... aka 'bring your own meat'... (I brought Ben).. This morning the club is putting on a breakfast from 8 to noon. I am going to work as a server, getting in some of my work crew hours. We have to have 16 hours per year. I don't think it will be a problem as we seem to go to EVERY event the club has.... And I always end up jumping up and helping anyway....
I am keeping my fingers crossed that today we might get to move the boat to the boat house. Gosh I can't wait! How exciting!!! We have already leased the boat house, we are just waiting for permission from the Yacht Club to move our boat in.... about half the members we talk to tell us we can just go ahead and move our boat in... the other half tell us we should wait and bring it before the moorage Committee first and get their blessing.. GGGRRRRR. Ben is getting FRUSTRATED as we paid the lease a week ago and have the owners blessing to move in??? So Ben said 'We are moving the boat today!" Sounds GREAT to me   :-)
Wonder if they will let me blog from POYC jail?????  LOL

Wednesday ~ October 5, 2011

It looks like we are going to be spending the winter under cover!!! WOOWHOOO
Ben has managed to make a deal to 'sub-lease' a boat-house at the Port Orchard Yacht Club! It is a 18'X52' completely enclosed boat house, one end has a HUGH garage door, (with an opener. LOL), the end facing the dock has a door and window. The ceiling has some 'clear' panel's so we can get some light in on sunny days ..... It will be nice to have a place to store groceries, maybe have a washer and dryer.... there IS room for storage in front of the boat and around the sides. It means moving to another city... Port Orchard, but change is good. A new town to explore! I think today we are going to go over and do some cleaning, get ready for the move. I am very excited.

Tuesday ~ October 4, 2011

Happy 1st. Day Baby Dominic!
What a wonderful day, a beautiful new baby joins the Buss/Byers clan.. (poor little thing) LOL. Just kidding Dominic, you will be LOVED sooo much. You have 3 awesome older sisters who will always watch over you... a Dad who ADORES you and can't wait to get you out mud boggin'... (should probably wait till he is outta diapers Dad before you put him behind the wheel of Skipper), a wonderful Mom who will always be there to kiss your owies, hold you close when you need it and give you a little 'shove' and encouragement when you need that too. You have some wonderful Grandmas and Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles... (just ignore Carson... DON'T EVER DO ANYTHING HE TELLS YOU TO DO!!!!).... and a BUNCH of great Aunts and Uncles who will just love you forever. Welcome to the world Dominic. It looks a lot scarier than it is, remember we are all here for you, you don't EVER have to feel alone. I can't wait to meet you and hold you in my arms. I love you already...

Sunday ~ October 2, 2011

Today is starting out as the perfect day to just hang out, read a good book and maybe take a nap or two. No rain yet, but it's kinda cold and overcast. Last night we had the little electric heater going in the bedroom.... I guess fall IS here. Big Ben is feeling a little better today, still has an upset tummy... poor guy, but at least he is outta bed. LOL. Last evening we were visited by our local band of Otters. A group of 4 or 5 that show up every so often to wreak havoc on the docks and the local residents..... I heard them chattering and splashing around the next pier over, then they all bailed in the water and popped up on our pier... I watched them checkout the empty boat next to us for a few minutes then back into the water they went to their next destination... about that same time Zoe was coming down the pier from her evening walk... aka, pottie break, when she let out a terrible squeal and took off running as fast as her short little legs would take her, yelping and crying all the way. She sounded like she was being chased by the hounds of hell!!! Ben chased after her and scoped her up to get her to quit crying. After putting her back into the boat we both walked down the pier to see what had frightened her so badly..... Just as I had suspected, it was those pesky Otters! I doubt if they had even gotten close to her, but just one bark from them was enough to send her into to nervous breakdown. Poor little thing... This whole boat life has truly been an adventure for her.

Saturday ~ October 1, 2011

October 1st.... WOW! Where has the summer, heck the year gone! It's had to believe we have been on the boat 4 months now. The weather definitely has the feel of fall. Cloudy and overcast, I think the news said we are expecting rain for the next several days..... Must learn to embrace the drizzle! Ben is down for the count today, at first we though we have a case of food poisoning, Yes I cooked! But then Niki said her family also had a touch of something, so maybe it's just....  NOT my cooking! LOL. Anyway I kinda like having the morning to myself. Had a nice visit with Willard this morning... He is the Blue Heron that usually SCREECHES at me and Zoe every morning. Got a chance to catch up on my Blog, work on the computer, do a little bookkeeping ... Yep, kinda nice. I listed the Toyota AND 4-wheeler on Craig's List today.. Very sad. I have had my Toyota since July of 93'. Got her brand new. Gonna make my cry when she sells....... (I have had her longer than ANY of my husbands!) Better watch out Ben....

Thursday ~ September 29, 2011

Bremerton Navy Museum

Today we spent exploring the local area. What started out as a trip to Value Village for some jeans for yours truly.... getting kinda cool here on the coast, turned into a wonderful day trip to the local Navy museum! As we were heading to the parking lot above the marina we met up with our neighbors and friends Wayne and Juanita, they also live here on their boat. They were heading out to visit the museum and invited us to tag along, it sounded like a great idea! The fountains surrounding the museum were way cool, they 'erupted' like volcano's! I even took of my flip-flops and waded in the pools... it WAS really hot out....  don't tell anyone! The museum was very cool, lots of interactive stuff for kids AND adults. You could listen to sonar and guess what it was, whale or ship, ice or shrimp... I did VERY badly. LOL. We watched videos and movies... learned about the navy and the Pacific Northwest. It was way cool, but I am a big history buff so I loved it. After the museum we went to Value Village and us ladies found some warm clothes, then it was back home to the marina. Juanita invited us to dinner on their boat, Roast, carrots and potatoes. YUM... It has been MONTHS since I've had homemade roast. It was a great day all around  :-)

Tuesday ~ September 27, 2011

Tonight was the Change of Watch Dinner and Meeting at the Port Orchard Yacht Club. This is where the old Officers step down and the newly elected take their places. Full dress uniforms and a catered dinner. It was VERY nice! Tonight was also the night when Ben and I received our final initiation into the POYC club! After 4 months of going through the application process, being presented formally to the club, then voted on, approved and finally initiated... did I mention the initiation fee was $3,000......  It was a pleasure to finally receive our Burgee (flag), and name tags. Very KOOL... We have to put in 18hrs per year in work time, 9 hrs each for the club. This encourages members to 'get involved'. Ben and I worked last Sunday for 4 hrs each setting up for tonight's dinner only to find out it didn't count.... Our time doesn't start till October. LOL. Oh well, it was worth it to watch Ben trying to make the centerpieces for the tables with the other ladies... He is actually quite good at crafting with glue and glitter... Dang I wish I had my camera! I think I'll sign up for some of the committees.... meet some new people. I sure had fun on the Labor day cruise! After all, I AM Queen of the Hobo's!

Thursday ~ September 22, 2011

Well, it's the last leg of our trip. Last night we stayed in Gold Bar, WA. with Dustin and Lani... today we take the ferries home to Bremerton and see if the boat is still afloat! Lani and I have been friends for ever... like Pre-Ben... for 20 yrs???? That's a LOOONG time! We have seen each other at our best and our worst, and we still like one another... weird.
Silly girl even had mints on our pillows in the spare room... see, I said she was weird! They took us out to dinner last night and then to breakfast this morning at the local Hotel, Restaurant and Bar... (reminds me of the Hub in Kamiah). Sad, but even though I live so much closer now to Lani I still do not seem to get over here much to spend time with her???? I will have to work on that! Spending sooo much time with my recently retired hubby.... well, let's just say I seriously need some Girl time. LOL... To much of a good thing I guess!

Tuesday September 20, 2011

  We took a little detour on our drive from Post Falls to Kamiah. From Lewiston we headed up over the hill so we could swing by Cottenwood to check out brother Paul's new house he just bought. It's an oldie.... but it can be fixed up, and the kids, Brandon and Autumn seem to like the smaller town. I sure hope it works out for them! It was kinda bittersweet going through the prairie, greencreek... seeing the fall fields and colors, the farms and animals.
We made it to Kamiah Monday afternoon just in time for school to get out. Destiny has 
a new hobby.... CHICKENS! And a girl and her Chicken is a beautiful thing! (The one thing I miss... well, one of the things I miss about living on a farm, is the chickens) I admit I have Chicken envy..... Oley, Sylvia and the kids all had school and work Tuesday, I spent part of the day with Sylvia down at the Flower shop. I didn't help much... but I DID go next door to the HUB and get us some Smoothies to help the afternoon go by faster! HeHeHe. Later we all drove to Grangeville to watch Brad (aka Big Sexy) #66, play football. I'm not sure if they won or lost... (I don't follow football), but Brad is a POWERHOUSE! It was just just fun to spend a warm fall evening sitting in the bleachers with family watching the kids play. Gosh I miss my Family  :-(   Tomorrow we head back to Washington....

Sunday ~ September 18, 2011

Sunday we continued our weekend in Idaho with a Birthday party and dinner at Mom Acre's. Mom made her famous 'Sisilian Supper'... enough to feed an army! YUM. It was a great turn out. Mom had all 5 of her kids. Barb, Dee, Ben, Karey and Marla plus lots of grand kids and Great grand kids. It was Mom, Marla and Barb's Birthday celebration... I won't say how old..... but they all looked Sooo young! Now that Ben and I live so far away it is even more special when we can all get together! Tonight we stay again at the Jensens then it's off to Kamiah to visit with Oley and Sylvia and the kids.... Can't wait!