Tues Dec 13, 2011
Maxie's new ride! I am now the proud owner of a Jeep. And not just ANY jeep.... A RED Jeep. COOL! After Ben spent days and weeks pouring over Craig's List, (Poor baby).... searching for 'just the right one', we finally found one that passed both HIS inspection, (motor, drive line, gears, wakka, wakka, wakka) AND a jeep that passed MY inspection, (the IMPORTANT stuff.... color, interior, stereo, carpet, seats....) My Toyota was sooo nice I HAD to have something at least as cute! Although a Jeep was probably not MY first choice... kinda like living on a boat... it was the vehicle that Ben wanted, so as always.... we now have a Jeep! How do I get even for him making me sell my Toyota and buy a Jeep????
I am going to turn it into a girls jeep! I know 'Chrome won't get you home' as they say... but I don't plan on doing any rock crawling, I figure some Tinkerbell seat covers, maybe a 'Jeeps are for Girls' sticker, I am even thinking of personalized plates. How about WKDWTCH ????? Ben would LOVE that. LOL. Can't wait to start driving her!