Mon Dec 5, 2011

POYC Sunday Breakfast
The first Sunday of every month the yacht club puts on a pancake breakfast for the members. Being the Helper Elf that I am.... I volunteer for the kitchen crew. Take breakfast orders, refill coffee, clear plates.... and of course I was the only one dressed up. WTH???? Does no one know it's Christmas??? HELLO PEOPLE. I worked from 8 to noon. We, the yacht club members, have to have 16 hours per year in work party time for the club. So Sunday morning I got 4 hrs work party time, so far I think I have like 30 hrs in 2 months. (I have alot of time on my hands)
Sunday evening Ben and I took TJ and Kaitlyn on the Special Peoples Cruise at the Bremerton Yacht Club. It is an annual event their club puts on for the special needs people in the community. They have a dozen boats dressed up in Christmas lights and they take out the folks on an nice hour cruise around the inlet. After the cruise they gave us bologna sandwiches and cookies and they had little gifts for everyone. after we drove TJ and Katlyn back to Port Hadlock Nicole took us all out to dinner at this great Mexican resturant because we were STARVED! We did not get home till after ten. It was a very busy day...