I spent a few days at my BFF Lani's house on land. It was wonderful to sit in the living room by the fire, in front of the HUGH Christmas tree. Zoe came with me and she enjoyed getting to play and sniff in the grass and barn yard. It was wonderful to take a shower and put on clean clothes that DIDN'T smell like DIESEL.
I am so tired of smelling like diesel, my clothes and hair smelling like diesel. I HATE it!
Ben and I braved Wal-Mart today.... he needed a new watch band, he broke his and has been whining heavily... I wanted some coffee creamer and needed some Tide to do laundry... Got up to the check out and I guess I've used my $124.00 in food stamps and apparently my bank account is 0.... I had to walk out WITHOUT my items. God I'm sick of being so broke all the time.
Sometimes I wonder how I ended up here.. so far from home, family and friends. Think I'll go take a nap.
Tues Dec 13, 2011

Monday Dec 12, 2011

Monday Dec. 12, 2011
Saturday was our community boat parade. We had about 12 to 15 boats from the yacht club all decorated up for the Holidays. Even Santa joined us on this cruise so he could call out the names of people on the shore. We left the marina around 3:30 and cruised Sinclair Inlet up and down the shoreline for about 4 hrs. Lots of fun.... lots of booze... lots of food. My favorite combination! LOL. Poor little Zoe had to stay home. I think there was just WAY to much excitement for her. The night was clear and cool, around 45deg. The waters calm the moon full... a perfect night! My first Christmas parade. Maybe next year we can take our boat in the parade!
Mon Dec 5, 2011
The first Sunday of every month the yacht club puts on a pancake breakfast for the members. Being the Helper Elf that I am.... I volunteer for the kitchen crew. Take breakfast orders, refill coffee, clear plates.... and of course I was the only one dressed up. WTH???? Does no one know it's Christmas??? HELLO PEOPLE. I worked from 8 to noon. We, the yacht club members, have to have 16 hours per year in work party time for the club. So Sunday morning I got 4 hrs work party time, so far I think I have like 30 hrs in 2 months. (I have alot of time on my hands)
Sunday evening Ben and I took TJ and Kaitlyn on the Special Peoples Cruise at the Bremerton Yacht Club. It is an annual event their club puts on for the special needs people in the community. They have a dozen boats dressed up in Christmas lights and they take out the folks on an nice hour cruise around the inlet. After the cruise they gave us bologna sandwiches and cookies and they had little gifts for everyone. after we drove TJ and Katlyn back to Port Hadlock Nicole took us all out to dinner at this great Mexican resturant because we were STARVED! We did not get home till after ten. It was a very busy day...
Sat. Dec 4, 2011
Poor Zoe, she may never forgive me. Ben and I walked down town from the marina, it was only a few blocks to main street. We took a dock cart to haul Zoe in so she wouldn't have to walk the whole way. Put in a pillow and covered her with a blanky. For the parade I made her get out and walk the 2 blocks. Well, I had to drag her the second block...
Friday Dec 2, 2011

Tomorrow is the Festival of Lights in downtown Port Orchard. There is a pet Parade and Zoe is gonna be dressed as an Elf. She looks so cute in her costume! Zoe of course HATES it.... but heck, it is the Holiday, I'm sure she can handle it for a few hours. I also have an Elf costume that I made from leftovers from the thrift shop. We are gonna have so much FUN! Free hay rides, Chile, a tree lighting, free hot cocoa... I can't wait! Nicole and family are gonna come down and join us for the day. It is nice to have a smile in my heart for a change! AND... to make today better our friends from back home, Scott and Denise came over for the Seahawks game yesterday.. (the Seahawks WON for a change HaHa) so they are taking the time to take the ferrie and drive to Port Orchard to visit us and take us to lunch.. How COOL is that!
It feels good to be me again instead of that GLOOMY GUSS who has been hanging around here! (I thing Ben is happy to see me in a better mood too! LOL)
Mon. Nov 28, 2011
It has been a couple of weeks so I guess it is time for me to catch up on the Blog.I managed to survive Thanksgiving so far from home. It was hard for me being so far from home, I think that's why I didn't blog anything...... Ben and I usually spend Turkey day with my brother and his family at the cabin in Idaho. It always feels like I'm home when we are there in the mountains. The wood stove cranked to 105 deg. the kids raising hell and havoc... me and Sylvia and Kayla having our 'special' Holiday cocktails... whatever that may be. LOL This turkey day was a tough one for me, it was just me and Ben and Zoe the wiener dog. The kitchen on the boat works great for daily cooking.... but you can't use the oven and the burners at the same time... so I cooked a turkey breast in the oven, then switched over to the cook top to do the potatoes and gravy. It all tasted great. I would have loved to have some cranberries and pie.... but our new budget... (being retired means having NO MONEY) just didn't allow for any extras like a can of cranberries or pumpkin pie.... You think the food bank would at least have cranberries for goodness sakes! So I cried and felt sorry for myself for a few days.... Poor Ben, he is trying to enjoy his retirement but he has to put up with a wife who is mentally unstable.... Not kidding there. But Life is what you make it.. Even people who live in CAVES can be happy, so I guess happy is what you make it. I am going to try to paste a smile on my face for Ben. This is his dream after all.
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