Saturday June 2, 2012 Lani's
It started raining right after Memorial weekend so Ben and I spent a couple days plotting our next move on the boat. Ben decided it was time to tackle the diesel tanks so while he rips the back end of the boat apart I get to spend a few days ashore with my BFF Lani. The tanks are located UNDER the bed so he gets to (try) sleep on the couch. Poor baby
YAH! I so excited to be on land and in the trees again. So Lani has two new baby goats.... yes these two actually live outside in the barn! Twin little twin boys just weened. They are so frigging cute! They are mini goats anyway and they are so tiny. I never thought I would love a goat.... but gosh these guys are sweeties! They look so tiny in that big ol' barn stall! Lani has an outdoor pen built for them, it has Dustin's old ice house as the 'loafing' shed and is fenced in with hog wire. They are named Alfalfa and Spanky. I can't tell them apart? They still cry for Mama. I just wanna pick em' up and Love em' all over. No plans for the weekend. Lani and I are just gonna hang out here. I promised her I would help her get her garden in so Dustin and I spent the morning planting. It was nice to put my hands in the dirt.