Sat. June 16, 2012 QuadraPaws Fun Run

Our 4X4 Jeep club held it's yearly fund raiser Saturday. Ben and I rolled outta bed around 4am. to meet the club at the staging area at 7am. It was a fun day, we had 6 stations throughout the trail where participants had to stop and preform a 'task' to earn points. At station 3 the driver was blindfolded and the passenger had to guide the driver, backwards, through a series of cones, at another stop they had to answer trivia questions or "Do you have a book " (Book of matches? "Novel? Manuel?) Ben and I were the "Phantom 7". Our job was to find a spot along the trail and pull over and lift the hood as if we were broke down. If they stopped to see if we needed help they got 50 points. Out of 93 rigs signed up to do the run we had 63 stop and ask.... WOW. I thought EVERYONE would stop and ask. People are strange over here! It was a LOOOOONG day, the last rig came through about 5pm. By the time the awards and prizes were handed out it was after 7. Ben and I were pooped by the time we got home!
The weather was great, I spent the day sitting in a lawn chair reading my Kindle. Chloe... the run away dog, spent the day trying to get off her leash. She spotted the squirrels right of the bat and MAN did she wanna GO! I like being in the woods, the sounds and the smells. I told my BFF Lani that I am so sick of starfish and sea urchin's and the smell of low tide and.... she laughed at me because when we first moved here I was sooo fascinated with everything. LOL.