Looks like my every day/once a week 'blogging' has turned into once a month.... or maybe every Feb 29th. Leap Year. I'll try .. really try to NOT let that happen. I guess the biggest news this past month is we lost Zoe. Our little Princess. She was 8 months old when Ben brought her home, We had just moved into our new house and I wasn't very happy about another pet, we already had Sura and Burt..... but she was so dang cute. And the ol' gal out lived them all. It's been so long since I've NOT had a dog around.. if that makes any sense. I keep looking for her, expecting her to be there. Ben has been on Craig's List looking at dogs... but my heart just isn't quite ready for that yet.
I have been keeping buisy with the Yacht Club. I jioned the W.I.C. Womans Interclub Councel, they meet once a month at differant yacht clubs. I get to visit a new place every month, they feed us lunch and it's nice to visit with the ladies. I also volunteered to do they centerpieces for the spring dinner. THAT keept me busy for a couple of weeks! Last night was the dinner and I got lots of complements, so it was worth it. And as much as I complain, I love to do the craftyy thing. Keeps me busy, gives me something to do.Most of February has been nice weather. Cold, but the sky is blue and no rain (or snow). We have had a few storms blow through and when they do, HOLY COW they are good ones! Even in the boat house we get to rockin' an a rollin'.
We had a little excitement last weekend. One of the boat houses had this old wooden boat in it that finally sank. So they got this HUGH barge with a crane on it to come in and try to pick it out of the water. They removed some of the roof panels so they could lower the 'hook' to grab the boat but the boat deck was wider than the boat house... gas was leaking everywhere. They owner said all the fuel had been removed, apparently NOT. They finally got the boat above water and drained, the owner decided he wanted to try to rebuild the boat not scrap it... went and got a sump pump to get the rest of the water out of the bilge, plugged it in, turned it on, and BOOM. The boat exploded, burst into flames and immediately sank putting out the fire. WOW. We did have 5 or 6 people get hurt, 3 of them had to go get stiches. Lucky they all wern't killed!