My Little Blue Toyota... I remember the day I bought her... I wonder if I will remember the day I watched her drive away? I know, I know, it's just a truck. A vehicle, mode of transportation, to be drivin' and traded in for a newer, lower mileage model ever couple of years. I drove that little blue Toyota for 18yrs. Bought her in Lewiston, July 3, 1993, there was only 4 miles on the odometer.... Oh my gosh, I have had some adventures in that truck, my BFF Denise and I spent 3 days lost in the mountains back of Dixie/Florence before coming out in a firefighter camp down on the Salmon river. They looked at us kinda funny when we drove in, asked us if we knew we were behind fire line's.. and gave us coffee, very nice.... Gosh, I've had that truck longer than my hubby. WOW.... I guess all good things must come to an end. (The truck dear, not you)Now... We go shopping for that Jeep so I can go jeepin' with my Sylvia and brother