It has been a LOOONG November. First Thanksgiving in a long time we won't be spending with my brother and his family. I am missing my family and friends. I scour the Kid's face book pages for new pictures of the Grandkids. I miss them so much. I have been sleeping alot.. not much else to do. I need to find a hobby I can do here on the boat, besides sitting in front of the computer or TV. Thinking of taking up cross-stitch, can't remember how to knit or crochet???? I should look on YouTube. You can find ANYTHING on YouTube! I think it will be just me and Ben and Zoe for Thanksgiving, not enough room in the boat to cook a turkey so I think I will just do a turkey breast... something simple. I am trying very hard to not let the holiday get me down... I LOVE Christmas, even if it is just in my dreams. It makes me sad that I won't be able to give the Grandkid's all Jammie's for Christmas like I have done for 10+ years. Our new budget doesn't allow for Grandma to get gift's for 16 Grandkids, assorted nieces and nephews, family and friends. This is gonna be a tough one for me. :-(