Friday Nov. 18, 2011

Snoqualmie Pass, expecting 10 + inches of snow today. Winter IS here.... Ben and I have been heating the boat with two small electric heaters...... I guess it's time to look at alternative heating sources. We bought a Dickinson Diesel heater this fall, it's really nice with a small window where you can watch the flames, but it burns around a gallon per day, at today's Diesel prices... OUCH. Ben figured electric would be cheaper. So today we are going to hit the hardware store and pick up some bubble wrap insulation and cover the windows, it'll be really DARK in the boat then! I think I will try the clear 'shrink' wrap on the main salon windows, that will let some light in. At first I was kinda bummed about being in a boat house... it is so dark in here. But when the rain and wind starts pounding.... it sure is nice to be safe and dry under cover! I think I'm gonna LIKE the boat house this winter. My plants however are HATING it! I think I'm gonna take them to Nicole's, I just don't think they will survive the winter in the boat house.
It has been a LOOONG November. First Thanksgiving in a long time we won't be spending with my brother and his family. I am missing my family and friends. I scour the Kid's face book pages for new pictures of the Grandkids. I miss them so much. I have been sleeping alot.. not much else to do. I need to find a hobby I can do here on the boat, besides sitting in front of the computer or TV. Thinking of taking up cross-stitch, can't remember how to knit or crochet???? I should look on YouTube. You can find ANYTHING on YouTube! I think it will be just me and Ben and Zoe for Thanksgiving, not enough room in the boat to cook a turkey so I think I will just do a turkey breast... something simple. I am trying very hard to not let the holiday get me down... I LOVE Christmas, even if it is just in my dreams. It makes me sad that I won't be able to give the Grandkid's all Jammie's for Christmas like I have done for 10+ years. Our new budget doesn't allow for Grandma to get gift's for 16 Grandkids, assorted nieces and nephews, family and friends. This is gonna be a tough one for me.  :-(