Batter up..... What a FUN weekend! Crystal and the kids came to visit Grandma and Grandpa on the boat! YAH!!! The twins, Cassie and Kyra, and the boys, Shawn and Jake. They got in late last night around 8ish... and after a flurry of pillows and blankets, exploring the boat and a few whispered concerns about "sharks"...... Boys, quite scaring your sisters! Everyone settled down into their bunks and beds. The next morning we got up EARLY to make the 1 1/2 hour drive to take Jake to his baseball game. It was the first time we got to see him play and boy did he! The little slugger hit a home run! Handsome and talented...... His team won both games, of course. It was a long afternoon but so much fun. 
The kids explored the docks and loved feeding the Georges (Geese and Ducks). All the kids, even Crystal... got to go for a ride in Grandpa's Dingy. They wanted to take out the big boat... but we just didn't have enough time, Bummer.