Wdenesday July 20, 2011

Another rainy nasty day. Ben decided that he was feeling a little cabin fever himself today so we decided to take a road trip. NOT an 11 hour drive around the peninsula..... just a drive up to Port Townsend. HeHeHe
We went to Poulsbo and found a great little restaurant for breakfast, and I mean LITTLE. The place had about 3 tables but WOW was the food good.
Then we drove on to Port Hadlock to visit Nicole, the crazy kid got a hold of tractor and decided to level her front yard. Give a girl a tractor and she will level the world..... or at least the yard... LOL.
After admiring what was left of the yard we drove on to Port Townsend to visit West Marine. Ben and I both got the new fangled life vest. the kind that auto inflates when you hit the water. Holy COW were they EXPENSIVE about a hundred bucks each! But mine is purple so that, of course, makes it worth the price... :-)
Then we had lunch/dinner at a small outside bistro at the marina. Zoe thought it was cool to get to sit outside and eat with us...
It was nice to get out and away from the boat.