Thursday ~ July 14, 2011

OMG... What a GOOD Day! So today I decided I was NOT gonna sit here in the boat all day watching Teak Oil dry..... I told Ben I was going to go to town and do some exploring! When you go anywhere with a guy they NEVER stop where you want them too.... The cute church hidden away in the grove of trees, the interesting shop with the trinkets and charms, historical markers and the roadside attractions...... So I decided to go this afternoon by myself!
I grabbed a map of downtown Bainbridge Island and hit the shops! OMG what fun. I found so many CUTE little tourist shops  :-)
What a wonderful lazy day... I shopped as long as I wanted.... no man standing there tapping his foot..... I found a perfect little shop that sold Celtic jewelry, couldn't resist picking up a trinket or two... SHHHHH do NOT tell my hubby... HeHeHe. A AWESOME quilt shop, clothing stores and so many other cute little shops! It was nice to be on dry land and 'out and about'!