Friday August 17, 2012
We have finally completed ALL the repairs on the Blue Oasis. The decks are all painted and coated, the bright work is all done, the headliners are in both the master stateroom AND the main salon. New carpet throughout, new diesel tanks (no more smell.. Yahoo), and she looks AWESOME! WOW what a difference! We worked our butts off on this project. Now I wanna go boating. We haven't had her out of the boat house since last October. I wanna go cruisin' somewhere and enjoy some of my hard work.
I think a boat trip to the San Juan's would be a nice reward for the last year of working on this ol' gal. Now the next step is to put her up for sale. Yep, we are gonna sell her and buy a motor home. I am tired of living so far from home and family. I'm homesick. And I already told Ben, NONE of this fixer upper shit! When we get the motor home it will already be in excellent shape. NO FIXER_UPPERS!!!! If the curtains are worn out then I guess we ain't buyin' that one!