Saturday, April 7, 2012 Newbee Run Tahuya

QuadraPaws 4X4 Club / Tahuya State ORV Park. Ben and I searched the web and found a local 4X4 Jeep Club. We went to a meeting to meet everyone and they invited us to join them on what they call the 'Newbee Run'. The 1st Saturday of every month everyone meets at the Safeway in Bellfair and then heads out for the Tahuya ORV park. What a fun and beautiful park. There are 4X4 trails exclusively for Jeeps and other off road vehicles, 4-runner trails and motorcycle trails. All the trail are desperate so you don't have to worry about coming around a sharp corner and running into a 4-wheeler or motorcycle! The weather was BEAUTIFUL a little cool up on the mountain but it was so nice to be in the woods! I had forgotten how much I loved the smell of trees and earth. The group is composed of young and old, men and even some women drivers... and everyone was so nice. One of our members is a Washington state trooper... so NO drinking on the trails, now THAT'S different from our usual Jeep trips, LOL. As a non-driver, I could have a cocktail when we stopped for lunch... but NO open containers! (Poor Ben). So we have to attend 3 meeting and go on 3 4X4 runs to be eligible to join the jeep club.... so 2 more meeting and 2 more runs. Can't wait!