What a WONDERFUL weekend! Our first ever overnight guests aboard the Blue Oasis. Don, Chas and the girls came to spend the weekend with us and what fun we had. I didn't realise how homesick I was until I saw the faces of my Granddaughters. LOL
Saturday we took the boat out in the Sound. Don and Ben were trying to catch a BIG one while the girls spent the day searching for Dolphins and Whales... We all struck out, no fish of ANY kind... we did see a minke whale and lots of seals, but we had a GREAT day. It was so much fun to spend the day with the kids, to see things anew through their eyes. McKenzi saw Whales EVERYWHERE. So funny. They were having a BLAST. We took the boat by

the Navy yard to look at the big ships, that was COOL. At one point we were just drifting so the boys could fish when a BIG ship came by us and the waves caused our boat to rock WILDLY from side to side. OMG! I thought the freezer on the Fly Bridge was gonna slide off the boat and crash into the sound. I was yelling for someone to grab the freezer, Don had jumped up to try to grab Chas and keep her and her chair from going over the deck, all the beverages on the table went flying overboard. BaHaHa. What a RIDE! We all survived, even Zoe. It was VERY exciting there for a few minutes, The boys never did catch anything so when we finally got back into the dock the boys decided to take the dingy out into the inlet for more fishing. That caused Chas and I a bit of concern.... 2 men in a boat sort of thing.
I think they got more beer bagged than fish. BUT, they did not tip over the dingy and they did return unharmed. All in all it was a GREAT day. We ended the day with a nice dinner on the boat, all that sunshine and fresh air had us all yawning and ready for bed Saturday night.

Sunday morning was a low tide and Ash and Kenzi had a mission..... They had been catching Jelly Fish by the HUNDREDS... but they wanted a Star Fish to take home.... so with low tide they set out to find the perfect specimen. After crawling along the pier to get to the bank and a few close calls... Kenzi almost fell in at least 10 times.... LOL. But they did finally find the PERFECT one. After a serious battle they finally prevailed and declared victory. The hapless Star Fish ended up in a Wal-Mart bag and headed back to Idaho. I hope Chas does not forget that there is a smelly start fish in her trunk... Ha... With lots of Hugs and tears (mostly on my part) they headed safely back to Idaho.... I miss them so much already.